Image MetaData Stripper v1.0 GNU/GPL
Image MetaData Stripper is a lightweight and handy tool I wrote in two hours for stripping, cleaning and removing uncessary metadata from common image file formats (e.g. JPG or PNG). The image quality is not altered in any way. You may drag and drop files to the window or open multiple files using a filedialog.All sorts of information like exposure time, aperture settings, camera used, thumbnails and GPS coordinates can potentially be embedded into an image.
This application just leaves the unaltered image behind. Whatever your motivation for sanitizing images is, you'll know that only the image itself remains.
// Fixed fileformat support; download updated on 2012-07-25 // BugReport: All MetaData is removed, but the process is not lossless on MacOSX due to completely different operating system dependent image libraries.

4,45 MB (4.671.168 Bytes) md5 7bdab4149be20ff5fe96ac20d2e6251d
Image MetaData Stripper for Windows MinGW
5,35 MB (5.611.022 Bytes) md5 6680803dfb0d7045cdfb2c9b5640dade

5,26 MB (5.520.839 Bytes) md5 df16db8e624daf2f94ba1f46e8fa847f

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Image MetaData Stripper Sourcecode v1.0
54,9 KB (56.295 Bytes)
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include "mainwindowstripper.h" #include "ui_mainwindowstripper.h" #include <QtGui> #include <QImage> MainWindowStripper::MainWindowStripper(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindowStripper) { ui->setupUi(this); } MainWindowStripper::~MainWindowStripper() { delete ui; } void MainWindowStripper::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { if (event->mimeData()->hasFormat("text/uri-list")) event->acceptProposedAction(); } void MainWindowStripper::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { QList<QUrl> urls = event->mimeData()->urls(); if (urls.isEmpty()) { ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("No URLs dropped. Idle.")); return; } QStringList fileNameList; for (int i = 0; i < urls.length(); i++) { QString fileName =; if (!fileName.isEmpty() && QFile::exists(fileName)) fileNameList << fileName; } if (!fileNameList.isEmpty()) process(fileNameList); else ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("No Files dropped. Idle.")); } void MainWindowStripper::on_openFileButton_clicked() { QFileDialog dialog(this); dialog.setDirectory(QDir::homePath()); dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog::ExistingFiles); dialog.setNameFilter(trUtf8("Image Files (*.*)")); dialog.setWindowTitle("Please choose image files to strip meta"); QStringList fileNames; QStringList processThese; if (dialog.exec()) fileNames = dialog.selectedFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length(); i++) { QString fileName =; if (!fileName.isEmpty() && QFile::exists(fileName)) processThese << fileName; } if (!processThese.isEmpty()) process(processThese); else ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Please open image Files. Idle.")); } void MainWindowStripper::process(QStringList fileNameList) { ui->clear->setEnabled(true); qint64 totalStrippedSize = 0; QString log; QString more(""); if (fileNameList.length() != 1) more = tr("s"); ui->log->appendHtml(log.sprintf("<font size=\"3\">%1</font> File%2 opened.\n").arg(fileNameList.length()).arg(more)); ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Working ...")); for (int i = 0; i < fileNameList.length(); i++) { QImage sourceImage(; if (sourceImage.isNull()) { ui->log->appendHtml(log.sprintf("<font size=\"4\" color=\"#FF0000\">Error loading %1. This is not an image file. Skipping ...</font>\n").arg(; } else { ui->log->appendHtml(log.sprintf("<font size=\"3\" color=\"#666666\">Processing %1 ...</font>\n").arg(; QString formatToString; switch (sourceImage.format()) { case 0: formatToString = tr("Invalid Format"); break; case 1: formatToString = tr("Mono"); break; case 2: formatToString = tr("MonoLSB"); break; case 3: formatToString = tr("Indexed8"); break; case 4: formatToString = tr("RGB32"); break; case 5: formatToString = tr("ARGB32"); break; case 6: formatToString = tr("ARGB32 Premultiplied"); break; case 7: formatToString = tr("RGB16"); break; case 8: formatToString = tr("ARGB8565 Premultiplied"); break; case 9: formatToString = tr("RGB666"); break; case 10: formatToString = tr("ARGB6666 Premultiplied"); break; case 11: formatToString = tr("RGB555"); break; case 12: formatToString = tr("ARGB8555 Premultiplied"); break; case 13: formatToString = tr("RGB888"); break; case 14: formatToString = tr("RGB444"); break; case 15: formatToString = tr("ARGB4444 Premultiplied"); break; default: formatToString = tr("Invalid Format"); } QString alphaToString = "No alpha channel found"; if (sourceImage.hasAlphaChannel()) alphaToString = "This image has an alpha channel"; QImage target(QSize(sourceImage.width(), sourceImage.height()), sourceImage.format()); for (int x = 0; x < sourceImage.width(); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < sourceImage.height(); y++) { target.setPixel(x, y, sourceImage.pixel(x, y)); } } QString stringBak =; while (QFile::exists(stringBak)) { stringBak.append(tr(".BAK")); } QFile::copy(, stringBak);; QFileInfo sourceInfo(stringBak); QFileInfo targetInfo(; qint64 sourceSize = sourceInfo.size(); qint64 targetSize = targetInfo.size(); if (!ui->backupCheckBox->isChecked()) QFile::remove(stringBak); if (targetSize < sourceSize){ totalStrippedSize += sourceSize - targetSize; ui->log->appendHtml(log.sprintf("<font size=\"4\" color=\"#009900\">%1 Bytes Removed! - Details - Image Width: %2; Image Height: %3; Image Format: %4; %5</font>\n").arg((int)(sourceSize - targetSize)).arg(sourceImage.width()).arg(sourceImage.height()).arg(formatToString).arg(alphaToString)); } else ui->log->appendHtml(log.sprintf("<font size=\"4\" color=\"#666666\">Nothing stripped. - Details - Image Width: %1; Image Height: %2; Image Format: %3; %4</font>\n").arg(sourceImage.width()).arg(sourceImage.height()).arg(formatToString).arg(alphaToString)); } } ui->statusBar->showMessage(tr("Done.")); if (totalStrippedSize > 0) { QString totalStrippedSizeToString; if (totalStrippedSize < 1024) totalStrippedSizeToString.sprintf("%1 Bytes").arg(totalStrippedSize); else if (totalStrippedSize < 1048576) totalStrippedSizeToString.sprintf("%1 KB").arg(totalStrippedSize/1024); else if (totalStrippedSize < 1073841824) totalStrippedSizeToString.sprintf("%1 MB").arg(totalStrippedSize/1024/1024); else totalStrippedSizeToString.sprintf("%1 GB").arg(totalStrippedSize/1024/1024/1024); ui->log->appendHtml(log.sprintf("<font size=\"5\" color=\"#009900\">A Total of %1 Bytes were Stripped!</font>\n").arg(totalStrippedSize)); } else ui->log->appendHtml(log.sprintf("<font size=\"5\" color=\"#0000000\">Nothing to do. The input does not contain MetaData.</font>\n")); if (ui->quitCheckBox->isChecked()) qApp->quit(); } void MainWindowStripper::on_clear_clicked() { ui->log->clear(); }